Month: October 2019

Bluetooth Keyboards Enhance Mobile Devices

There are many Bluetooth keyboards available online now. I prefer Logitech keyboards since they are rugged and have the feel I like. However, there are many other alternatives. In this post, I will provide some pointers for selecting the right Bluetooth keyboard for you.

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How I Plan a Cruise

A cruise is like any other vacation. You get more out of it when you plan and prepare properly. Many folks which whom I speak think a cruise vacation is simply “book, pay, and go” and that everything is handled for you. While you can book a cruise this way, you will get more out of a cruise by planning your experience. In this post, I describe the six steps I follow while planning for a cruise.

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How a Cruise Line Should Treat Passengers When the Unforeseen Happens

Anyone cruising knows that bad weather, technical problems, or even political uncertainty can cause changes to the itinerary.  It is a risk we take when booking the cruise.  I am sure that everyone who has cruised any extent has encountered at least on instance where an itinerary has changed. The key to customer satisfaction is how the cruise line handles the situation.

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Build an Electronics Support Kit

In a previous post, I recommend creating electronics inventory. This is important to provide a basis to determine what should be in your Electronics Support Kit. I have laid out all the items I generally include in my kit. The list below identifies some of the items in my kit. The first four items are discussed in my Power at Sea article.

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